Theme Park Game Ps1 Cheats

Strategy Guide
Theme park game ps1 cheats ps3

Sim Theme Park (also known as Theme Park World) is the sequel to Theme Park, the theme park management sim created by Bullfrog Productions and published by Electronic Arts. The game was released in 1999 for Windows and later ported to other platforms like Playstation and Macintosh. We have 3 cheats and tips on PlayStation. If you have any cheats or tips for Sim Theme Park please send them in here. You can also ask your question on our Sim Theme Park Questions & Answers page.

All rides, shops and attractions

Sim Theme Park Ps1

Enter 'BOVINE' as a nickname.

Extra money

Enter 'BOVINE' as a nickname. Then while playing the game, press Circle + Square + X. This code may be repeated as needed.

Super park

Ps1 Games Download

Enter 'BUD' as a nickname. Then at the park selection screen, press Square. After the game begins, maximum prices may be charged for the concessions, games, and park entrance.

Clean park

Save the game when the park becomes full. Then reload the save and all of the garbage will disappear, allowing a fresh start. -From:

Game Shark Codes
Joker CommandD00BD5FC ????
Infinite Money801AF850 7840
801AF852 017D
Infinite Ice Cream800D5FB0 005A
Infinite Fries800D5FBE 005A
Infinite Cola800D5FCC 005A
Infinite Burgers800D5FDA 005A
Infinite Beer800D5FE8 005A
Infinite Steaks800D5FF6 005A
Infinite Research Juice800BE264 0054
800D6A58 270F
Time Does Not Progress (Always 1st of The Month)800BE604 0001
Upgrade Ride Designs Research Juice Always at Max800D6A5C 7FFF
New Ride Designs Research Juice Always at Max800D6A5E 7FFF
New Shop Designs Research Juice Always at Max800D6A60 7FFF
Staff Training Research Juice Always at Max800D6A62 7FFF
New Features Research Juice Always at Max800D6A64 7FFF
Upgrade Facilities Research Juice Always at Max800D6A66 7FFF
Park is Always Open800D6948 0001
Park is Always Closed800D6948 0000

Theme Park Game Ps1 Cheats Ps2

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Gameshark Cheat Codes Ps1

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