Goldenrod City Game Corner Cheats Heartgold


Goldenrod City Game Corner This small game corner allows you to win coins to exchange for items. Enter the building, and talk to the man behind the game machine to get Coin Case so that you can get coins. Then go to the front to play.


  • Words that are in BOLD face shows that it is an item
  • Words that are UNDERLINED shows that it is a location
  • Pokemon names with no color can only be found in all versions
  • Pokemon names with a GOLD color can only be found in the Gold version
  • Pokemon names with a SILVER color can only be found in the Silver version

A Huge City

Goldenrod City is the Celadon City of Johto. It is filled with many houses for you to explore, and there's a lot of things to do. The PokeMart there is like the Celadon City Department Store. In Crystal, The Goldenrod City Department Store has an all new rooftop marketplace that has bargain sales. There's a trainer called Camper Todd who appears right before you enter the city. Get his phone number, and he'll call you when there's a bargain sale. The image to your right is the rooftop marketplace.

In the basement of the department store, there are trainers who are training, and won't be battling you. You will find items, but are blocked by boxes. Ride the elevator to a different floor first, and then come down to the basement, and those boxes will disappear.

In the Japanese version of Crystal, the Pokemon Center is known as a PCC, or Pokemon Communications Center. It is a place that gives a lot of information on the Mobile GB Adaptor, get the GS Ball and Egg Ticket. Everything mentioned in this paragraph has been changed. Goldenrod City's Pokemon Communication Center has been downgraded to a normal Pokemon Center. Instead of an Egg Ticket, you'll simply get an egg with a Pokemon inside, and inside the Pokemon Center's a lady that you can give Eon Mails to receive Revives.

Well, before we worry about anything else, let's go straight to the gym. Always remember to save the game before a gym battle in case you lose (which will make you lose money).

A Strong Tank

All the trainers use normal Pokemon at the Goldenrod Gym. 3 Trainers using Jigglypuff will come before Whitney, the gym leader of this gym. So before you battle Whitney (which I have to say is a pain in the hip, you'll see why later), go to the Pokemon Center to wake up all your Pokemon, unless none of them has been put to sleep.

Well, here comes the time to battle Whitney. This battle, unlike any battle before, is super hard. Her Clefairy is easy to beat, but the Miltank, man, it is strong! The Miltank uses a powerful Rollout, and drinks a lot of milk to recover from injuries (see, milk is good for the body). A well experienced Geodude or Onix will come in handy at this point. What I would suggest is to skip the gym, go to Route 35 to get your own Rollout, and come back to the gym. Beat Whitney and her powerful Miltank, and get $2,000 plus TM 45 - Attract. You won't get the badge right away, because Whitney will start crying. Talk to the trainer below her, and then talk to Whitney again. She'll stop crying, and give you the Plain Badge.

Radio Tower

There's a radio station in the city. Go in and talk to someone at the far end of the counter. She'll ask you five questions, answer them in the following order: yes, yes, no, yes, no. If you answer all five questions correct (which I'm sure you will, I mean, the answer's right there!), you'll recive a Radio Card for your PokeGear. Right to the left of the girl who gave you the quiz is someone who will check to see if your ID is the same as the Lucky Radio Station's.

In Crystal, Buena (new radio host) is located on the second floor. If you talk to her you'll receive a Blue Card. Every night (between 6 PM to 12 PM) she'll announce a password. If you go see her and tell her the password you'll receive points. Trade in these points for prizes (for example, three points can be traded in for a Rare Candy).


Just Stuff

Walk around the city. Go into some houses, and soon, you'll find a bike shop. Just talk to the guy and he'll give you a free bike. Now you can ride your fast bike around, and it's much faster than walking on foot. You'll also find two buildings that have an underground tunnel that connects to each other. Go down there. You'll see a few trainers down there, and if you find an itemball, it'll contain a Coin Case. Now that you have a Coin Case, go to the Game Corner and start gambling!

Goldenrod City Game Corner Cheats Heartgold

On the fifth floor of the Goldenrod City Department Store, a guy is willing to trade his Machop for a Drowzee. Drowzee is a great Pokemon, so I wouldn't trade it away. But if you caught two, oh well, then trade the extra one away.

Goldenrod game corner slots

Also in the Underground Path has a Pokemon Salon. There, you can groom your Pokemon, which makes it happy.

There is a man with a hat who will change the name of your Pokemon for you in Goldenrod City. So, visit him at his house if you want to rename one of your Pokemon.

TM 21 or TM 27

In the Goldenrod City Department Store, you'll find a lady on the fifth floor. She will give you a TM on Sundays, depending on how your Pokemon likes you. If your Pokemon likes you, she'll give you TM 27 - Return. However, if your Pokemon doesn't like you, she'll give you TM 21 - Frustration.

Goldenrod City Pokemon Silver

Move Tutor

A person called Move Tutor (rumored to be Bill's father) in the Crystal version can teach you very cool abilities, but for a very big price. You'll find him after you beat the Elite Four outside of Mt. Silver on Saturdays and Wednesdays. For a price of 4,000 coins, Move Tutor will teach either Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, or Ice Beam to one of your Pokemon. You can only learn one move per day. For more information, please go to the Move Tutor page.

More TMs

If you go to the Goldenrod Game Corner, you can get: TM 14 - Blizzard, TM 38 - Fire Blast, and TM #25 - Thunder each for 5500 coins. TM 33 - Ice Punch, TM 41 - Thunder Punch, TM 48 - Fire Punch, can each be bought at the Goldenrod Department Store for $3,000. At the basement of the PokeMart, you will find TM 35 - Sleep Talk.

Pokemon Heartgold Goldenrod City Game Corner Cheats

Go North

Go north now, and soon, you'll reach National Park.

  • Eon Mail
  • Plain Badge
  • TM 45 - Attract
  • Radio Card
  • Blue Card
  • Coin Case
  • TM 21 or TM 27
  • Some Moves (Optional)
  • TM 14 - Blizzard
  • TM 38 - Fire Blast
  • TM 25 - Thunder
  • TM 33 - Ice Punch
  • TM 41 - Thunder Punch
  • TM 48 - Fire Punch
  • TM 35 - Sleep Talk

Non-Japanese Version

Pokemon Goldenrod City

The Game Corner - Voltorb Flip

Outside of Japan, the Game Corner got completely replaced. All slot machines were removed but replaced with a special game, the Voltorb Flip. In addition to this, the coin exchange has been removed so you can no longer purchase the coins in order to play the game. This game is a low risk game and works in a similar means to MineSweeper & Picross

You get given a small game board with 25 tiles in it. Your task here is to get multipliers. Intermixed with the multipliers are Voltorb tiles. However, on the sides, you get told how many Voltorbs are within the row and columns. As you get each multiplier on each board, you progress up a level. Each level has further Voltorb cards and less, but more powerful multipliers are placed. You have the ability to put notes of what you think the tile may be, so you have a reminder of what a Voltorb card may be. This makes it easier for you to get the coins you need to get the prizes.

Goldenrod Game Corner Slots

Japanese Version

Pokemon Goldenrod Game Corner

The Game Corner - Slots

The Game Corner has bween present in all games since the inception of Pokémon. In Heart Gold & Soul Silver however, it is found in two locations; Goldenrod City & Celadon City. The game however, remains the same and to use it, you need the Coin Case and some coins. You can buy some to get you started from the counter; 50 Coins for 1000 and 500 for 10000.

Like previous games, you place one coin into the machine and you start running slots. Your task is to get three icons in a row at any point, diagonally or horizontally. There are six different icons for you to get and the price is dependant on them. The prizes are as follows:

100 Coins100 Coins
15 Coins10 Coins
2 Coins Per ApricornFree Slots

However, the values may differ depending on the Machine. Specifically one in Goldenrod next to the gentleman in the middle on Sunday Mornings and one next to the large man in Celadon Game Corner


The slots are based upon Smeargle's drawing of the icons and its mood. These moods have an affect on the Game Corner and on the icons you can match. They change based on how much you win or lose against the Slot Machine

Green Background: Everything is normal and it is the first background you will see
Red Background: Easy to obtain PokéBall and 7 match-ups
Blue Background: Easy to obtain Pikachu and Marill match-ups

Bonus Mode

The Bonus mode is activated when you obtain 3 7s or 3 Pokéballs. In this Bonus Mode, you have to match up pictures of the starter Pokémon of Johto (Chikorita, Cyndaquil & Totodile). You have 8 tries to do this, and you get told the Pokémon you are to get. Usually, the machine will give you one or two of the slides and you have to stop the other one with perfect timing to win the prize

The prizes begin at 20 coins and progessively go up as you succeed more. The speed of the slots also increase to create a further challenge.


Both of the Game Corners have a Prize area where you can exchange your coins for a variety of prizes varying from TMs to Hold Items and even Pokémon

Goldenrod Game Corner


No.Move NameEffectTypeKindPrice
TM90SubstituteCreates a decoy using 1/4 of the user's maximum HP.2000 Coins
TM75Swords DanceA fighting dance that sharply raises ATTACK.4000 Coins
TM44RestThe user sleeps for 2 turns, restoring HP and status.6000 Coins
TM35FlamethrowerA powerful fire attack that may inflict a burn.10000 Coins
TM13Ice BeamBlasts the foe with an icy beam that may freeze it.10000 Coins
TM24ThunderboltA strong electrical attack that may paralyze the foe.10000 Coins


Silk ScarfAny Normal-type move's power is increased by 20%1000 Coins
Wide Lens Slightly raises accuracy of moves1000 Coins
Zoom Lens Accuracy increases if user is attacked by foe first in a turn1000 coins
Metronome Raises power of move if used consecutively1000 Coins


Level 20Level 20Level 20Level 20
200 Coins700 Coins700 Coins2100 Coins

Celadon Game Corner


No.Move NameEffectTypeKindPrice
TM58EndureEndures any attack for 1 turn, leaving at least 1HP.2000 Coins
TM32Double TeamCreates illusory copies to raise evasiveness.4000 Coins
TM10Hidden PowerThe effectiveness varies with the user.5000 Coins
TM29PsychicA powerful psychic attack that may lower SP. DEF.10000 Coins
TM74Gyro BallPower depends on foe's SPEED10000 Coins
TM68Giga ImpactUser cannot attack next turn15000 Coins


Silk ScarfAny Normal-type move's power is increased by 20%1000 Coins
Wide Lens Slightly raises accuracy of moves1000 Coins
Zoom Lens Accuracy increases if user is attacked by foe first in a turn1000 coins
Metronome Raises power of move if used consecutively1000 Coins


Mr. MimeEeveePorygon
Level 5Level 5Level 5
3333 Coins6666 Coins9999 Coins